viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

What country comes from oil and gas consumed in Spain?

Where is our oil?

Oil is the main source of primary energy consumed in Spain, followed by natural gas.
Spain is located between the top of the European Union countries more dependenton external terms of primary energy consumption, because the primary energy production has been declining gradually over time so that year after year theSpanish energy dependence is higher.

The countries from which imports oil are mainly Mexico, which was the main supplier of oil in 1990 and today is Russia.
Although other countries such as Iran, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Libya also noted for its oil exports to Spain.

Spain also exports oil exports natural gas from countries too, like Algeria, Qatar, Norway, Nigeria and Egypt.
In the case of gas, you can see at a glance that Algeria is well ahead in the export of gas to Spain, but gradually its share is reduced, among other things due to theregulation, newly implemented, which prevents a concentration above 60% in thegas supply.

Spain get the natural gas and the oil of differents countries because, if in a country there is a problem, Spain don't depend only of this country.