sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012

The oil runs ut

In our days there are a lot of objects that are runing out,the most important is the petrol, there isn´t petrol and  many flights are being canceled, this produces that a lot of  products are becoming more expensive, and a lot of shops are closing. To improve this situation we have to use other kind of cheaper transports.

Clearly I don´t like change my life because this is easy and confortable, but we have to change because we could finish without anything only with a pollute world. However we have somo alternatives to imrove this situation: for example, use the public transport or use electric transport.

Isn´t normal that things very important for the human´s life how food and water, are strating to desapear, because we are doing a bad using of it. Now the food 
isn´t a problem in a big part of the world but the water yes. There are  some companies that are buyng water because in the future who control the water, will control all.
Many people don´t know about this situation because of their tap leave water, but the should think about it.
Other topic is the power, it has a lot of alternatives. The renewable energies, the most uses are the wind and sun power.

If we thing in objects that haven´t oil, we can´t find a lot of objects so we have to change this answer and can find a lot of objects without oil.

sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012

Oil? Not thanks

Oil is special and important in this world, all people depend of it. We have a bad thought of  use of oil,  we think that it is for all our lifes, but it isn´t true, one day it could finish because it isn´t a renewable material. With oil we can have a lot of thing, not only the gasoline, plastic bags, painting,some synthetic materials, asphalt of the roads, lubricating oils,sweets...  

In my life, oil is very important, when I walk from the street, I only see objects making of oil, because we depend a lot of this material, and we have to change, we have to take other mechanism to remplace the big power of oil because on one side it have a lot  uses, but in other side it pollute a lot.

In the future I have to chage my life´s manner, I´m going to use material, without oil, or with small quantity, for example: papers, wood, iron,etc. And other kind of transports, such as electric cars.

In the matter of the energy, we depend a lo of oil too. But it have easy solution, use renewable energy, the most popular and clean are the wind energy, sun power or kinetic energy, with this we use the Nature in our advantage but without pollute the atmosphere

But isn´t only my work, is the world´s work, I´m fifteen year old, and I do this project to make aware people about their lifes, and help them for do the change:

Leave of Oil and take other materials